
  • Energie-portal
    Web e-newspaper with information from Energy sector in Slovakia
  • Environmental Fund
    National Programs for local development (SME is eligible)
  • EU Structural Funds
    National Programs for local development (SME is eligible)
  • ICTFOOTPRINT Self Assessment Tool for ICT Services (SAT-S)
    The SAT-S allows you to estimate the carbon and energy footprint of a digital service (that you use or provide) based on 1 year of use of the service assessed. This will help you make informed decisions about actions to improve your energy efficiency and eventually become greener in your ICT elements.
  • ICTFOOTPRINT Self Assessment Tool for Organisations (SAT-O)
    The SAT-O allows you to estimate the carbon and energy footprint of your ICT organisation or the IT department of your organisation, based on 1 year of activity. This will help you make informed decisions about actions to improve your energy efficiency and overall carbon emissions, either directly linked to the company activities or not (e.g. business travel and commuting of your staff).
  • RWE
    Free Energy Consultancy
  • SAPI
    Photovoltaic Information Portal
  • SIEA
    The Calculator for Energy Savings and Consumption of Buildings
  • SIEA
    The leaflets for energy efficiency and savings
  • SIEA
    Solar Calculator
  • Zelená domácnostiam
    Possibilities for SME to join the National Green Energy Program for support of domestic holders as Supplier/Contractor
  • ZSE
    Free Energy Consultancy
Tip na dnešný deň
Hovorte spolu o spotrebe energii: od manažmentu po zamestnanca.

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